Friday, November 9, 2012
Eastern Final Success for Rathgormack Girls

Congratulations to our Under 13 girls football team who had a comprehensive victory over Portlaw to come away with the Roinn B Eastern Final tile in Walsh Park on Wednesday 24th October. You did us proud girls, with your excellent performance and your sporting display. Best of luck in the County Final when you take on the Western champions.

Runners Up Medals for Rathgormack Boys


Hard luck to our Under 13 boys football team who were beaten by Kilrossanty in the Roinn C Eastern Final. We were up against a very strong team but our boys never gave up and showed great determination as they got some excellent scores towards the end of the match. Well done on getting to the final boys.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sketchup Schools Compeition
Students who want to take part in the google sketchup competition can find out more details on the website below including where to download the free version of google/trimble sketchup

Also there are loads of great sketchup tutorials available on youtube such as the one below

Pancake Tuesday – March 1st 2022

Caomhín de Paor and Ned Landers – Coillte

On Tuesday the 9th of October, Caomhín de Paor and Ned Landers from Coillte came to talk to us about trees and biodiversity. Caomhín’s daughter, Críoadh de Paor, goes to school here in Rathgormack National School. She is in Senior Infants.

Here are some interesting facts they told us:

Coillte harvest trees when they are between 20 and 30 years old, because that is when they are the right size for the machines in their factories such as Medite and Dundrun Sawmills.
Coillte make a big profit on citrus spruce trees which grow well in Ireland.
Coillte help to preserve biodiversity in Ireland, by following special rules when they are planting new trees, such as not planting trees to close to rivers and streams.
The Perm Mussel is the longest living animal in Ireland, and can live for over one hundred years.
Coillte are starting to grow eucalyptus trees now because they grow faster than most other trees. They can grow about ten feet each year, which means they can be harvested at about ten years old.

Caomhín and Ned brought some interesting things to show us as well. They brought:


· Two cross-sections of a twenty year old and a thirty year old citrus spruce
· A special tape for measuring the width of trees
· A young birch tree, which we planted in our school yard


We learned a lot about trees and biodiversity. We are very grateful to Caomhín and Ned for coming to talk to us.

By Karen Murray

Jim Power – Bee Keeper

Jim Power is a local beekeeper from Carrick. He came to our school to talk to us about bees. He visited our school on Wednesday the 10th of October. We learned lots of new things. This is what we learned from Jim:

· We learned that bees are kept in an apiary which is a type of beehive. It has lots of different sections that the bees live in.
· Jim told us that the body of a bee has three sections; a head, a thorax and an abdomen. Bees have six legs that come from the thorax.
· About two thirds of the worlds food depends on bees. They pollinate flowers and trees that then produce fruits and berries.
· The first alcoholic drink was called mead and was made using honey.
· There is one queen bee in every beehive and there can be up to 60,000 bees in a hive.


Find the Queen Bee
· Bees can live up to four or five years, but in summer the worker bees can work themselves to death in six weeks.

What Jim showed us:

· Jim brought some very special guests with him. BEES! He brought about 1,500 bees with him, including a queen bee.

· Jim showed us some bees wax candles, models and moulds. He told us how to make candles from bees wax.
· He showed us a skep, which is an old kind of beehive that was used before apiaries were made.
· Jim showed us a slideshow of everything to do with bees. It was very interesting and we all learned a lot.

We thank Jim Power for coming to our school and teaching loads of new things about bees and their place in biodiversity.


By Rosa Wheaton 6th class

Monday, June 11, 2012
Rathgormack N.S. Reminders & Updates 11th June
Reminder – School Fundraiser – Cake Sale


Our cake sale will take place on Tuesday 12th June. We would ask pupils to bring in some buns, cakes, etc. baked by themselves (senior pupils) or parents. Ms Kiely’s class will take charge of running the sale on the day. The cake sale will be open to parents etc. from 1.45pm onwards.


The response to last year’s cake & book sales was fantastic and as a result helped to pay for the drumming workshop, gymnastics classes, drama classes, swimming etc. in our current school year. We hope that we can repeat the success of last year’s fundraisers and in so doing generate sufficient funds from our cake sale on Tuesday to enable us to subsidise similar activities for 2012/2013.


End of year prayer mass & presentation of graduation certificates to 6th class pupils


The end of year mass will take place in the church on Wednesday 20th June at 10 am. We will also present our current 6th class pupils with their graduation certificates – we enjoyed having them in Rathgormack N.S. and wish them well for the future. There will also be a few surprise/unexpected presentations on the day … J!!


Sports Day – Date change


Our annual sports day on will now take place on either Thursday 21st or Friday 22nd June (weather permitting) or on the next available fine day. The children must wear their tracksuits and school white polo shirt for the sports day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Confirmation will be held in Clonea Church on Thursday, 22nd March at 11.00 a.m.


Under Dept. of Education guidelines this is considered a school day like all others. In order to fulfil our required 183 days in school all children will be expected to attend on that day.


The following arrangements have been made:


Children of 5th and 6th class and their siblings will attend directly to Clonea Church for the ceremony at 10.40 a.m.

The remaining children of 3rd and 4th class will come to school as usual at 9.00 a.m. and will be brought to the church at 10.40 a.m. to be part of the choir. All brothers/sisters of confirmation children from 3rd and 4th class must also be in the choir dressed in full uniform.

Children from Infants to 2nd class with no connection to the ceremony will attend school as usual until 12.30 p.m.

All children will go home after the ceremony.

Bus arrangements will be finalised closer to the day.


Children for Confirmation must be neatly presented wearing full uniform with a green jumper (in good condition) and white shirt (not polo shirt).

Top button should be tied with school tie closely fitting to the collar.

Girls should wear a skirt with black tights.

Children singing in the choir – including siblings, will also wear full uniform.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Green Flag 2011/12
What is Biodiversity?

Put simply, Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It is essential for sustaining the natural living systems or ecosystems that provide us with food, clean water, fuel, health, wealth, and other services we take for granted in our everyday life.

We have been working very hard and making great progress towards our fifth green flag ‘Biodiversity’. These are some of the things we have done so far:
We had a fascinating talk from Niall Hatch, Birdwatch Ireland.
We fed the visiting birds with homemade bird cakes, ‘peanut buttered’ pinecones and bird feeders over the Winter months.
We enjoyed ‘birdwatching’ and counted birds visiting Rathgormack school. These are the top ten birds that visited us!

1. Robin
2. Magpie
3. Rook
4. Pied Wagtail
5. Song Thrush
6. Blue Tit
7. Blackbird
8. House Sparrow
9. Starling
10. Chaffinch

Beautifully handcrafted nestboxes /bat boxes were erected on the school grounds. For which we would like to thank parents for.
We had a talk about Irish mammals from W.I.T. and the senior children got the opportunity to participate in an interesting survey collecting D.N.A. and prints from mammals visiting the school!
First and second class have also been very busy working on their entry for the ‘Make it yourself-grow it yourself’, competition as part of Waterford Festival of Food 2012 which will take place soon.

There are plenty of things you can do to help biodiversity at home too!

Plant a native tree – Trees create important habitats for many insects, birds and plants and are important for air purification. Make sure that the trees, bushes and flowers that you plant are native species. Scroll to the ‘Think Native’ section at the bottom of this page for list of appropriate native species to plant.
Do not grow invasive alien species in your garden – Before choosing plants for your garden or pond, make sure that they are not invasive, non-native species. Ask for advice in your garden and request plants from local origin and from certified sources. See the Invasive Species Ireland Horticulture Guidelines. Find out more on Invasive Species in our special feature
Register your tree planting – If you plant a tree in your garden, log your efforts in the Plant for Planet Billion Tree campaign – www.unep.org/billiontreecampaign
Avoid using pesticides and fertilisers – Don’t feel bad about not weeding or feeding your lawn, it’s better for biodiversity!
Do not use slug pellets – these will not only kill slugs, they will also kill the birds who feed on slugs and subsequently absorb the toxic pellets
Create a wildlife area in your garden – let part of your garden grow freely and see what plants and animals appear. You could consider planting some of the following native species in your wildlife area: grasses such as sweet vernal, meadow foxtail, red fescue and common bent, along with wildflowers such as cowslip, lady’s smock, cat’s ear, ox-eye daisy, and meadow buttercup. This wild area should be cut once a year in early July and the cuttings removed. A wildlife area such as this will attract butterflies and it will also provide cover for frogs, mammals and insects.
Attract birds to your garden – Get a bird box, bird table or hanging feeder for your garden / balcony. Birds eat aphids and other gardeners’ pests and play an important part in the web of biodiversity in the garden.
Compost – Buy a compost bin and make your own compost or buy peat-free compost for your garden – you will cut down on your waste generation and will create nutrient rich compost to improve soil health and fertilise your garden. Visit http://www.raceagainstwaste.ie/ for more details.
Collect rainwater – Collect rainwater rather to water your flowers – you will cut down on the amount of water wastage • Set your mower blades to high and always keep them sharp – Dull blades will tear the grass, damaging the plant, making it require more water than healthy plants.

In a drought, don’t waste water on a lawn – If your lawn is beginning to turn brown during drought, you do not need to water it, it will revive after normal rainfall resumes.
Water in the morning or at night – if you must water your garden, do so in the morning or at night to prevent evaporation. One inch of water a week is better than several short showers.

Don’t use electrical equipment like leaf-blowers – they consume so much energy for so little gain. Use a rake instead – it’s better for your health too!
Take time out to sit out in your backyard with friends and family to appreciate the beauty of nature!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Our second class are busy preparing for their First Penance which they will receive on Thursday 29th March at 2pm and their First Holy Communion which they will receive from Fr. Gear on Sunday 13th May in Rathgormack Church.

Also, our fifth and sixth class boys and girls will be receiving their Confirmation from Fr. O’Mahoney (a native of Coolnahorna) on Thursday, March 22nd in Clonea Church.

All our students from junior to sixth class are enjoying gymnastics classes which began on Friday 24th February. We will also have drama classes for all classes after the easter holidays. Swimming classes for first, second and fourth class pupils will also begin after the easter holidays.

Work in ongoing on our Green Schools initiative. The theme for 2011/2013 is Biodiversity. In keeping with this we congratulate our third and fourth class pupils, who came third in their section in the Atlantic Corridor/Ericsson “National School Science Competition” in Carlow on Friday 24th February, with their project based on “Living Things”. This qualifies them to go forward to the National final which will be held in Athlone in March. The team who travelled to Carlow along with Mrs Power were: Laurence Hearne, Saoirse Hennebry, Paul Guiry & Caoimhe Hennebry – well done on your great success!!

Our U-13 quiz team: Samantha Innocent, Eoin Dowley, Aaron Gleeson and Donnchadh Gough were narrowly beaten in the Carrick-on-Suir Credit Union local area quiz. In the same event our U-11 team Avril Norris, Leah Greene, Karen Murray and Keeley Corbett- Barry came third. Well done to all.

Congratulations to Eoin Dowley who was the Rathgormack winner in the local Lions Club Poster Competition.

We are currently taking names of those who will be starting school here in September 2012. If you have not enrolled your child to-date please contact us at 051-646377.


Thursday, December 22, 2011
Happy Christmas from Rathgormack N.S.

Rathgormack N.S. would like to wish all the school staff, pupils and their families a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We look forward to seeing all the pupils back in school when it re-opens on Monday 9th January 2012.

Monday, December 12, 2011

2011 School Calendar now on sale
Rathgormack Parents’ Association has produced a calendar for 2012
which includes recently taken class photographs. The photographs were
taken by local photographer Francis Quigley on the no-uniform day held
this October.

These calendars, which were printed by Carrick Print, are now
available from the school secretary at a cost of €5 each. All proceeds
will be donated to the school as part of the annual donation that the
parents’ association gives to the school, your support would be
greatly appreciated.

Rathgormack NS Boys & Girls win their Football Final

Pictured above is the girls U13 Football team recieveing the trophy after the final.

087 9377051 051 854974 facebook Maurice Hennebry Photography

Below is a video of the Boys U13 recieving their trophy

School Art Exhibition 2011
Recently the school held an art exhibition. This was part of the Artist in Residence scheme, Rita Scannell was our Artist in Residence. We are very grateful for all of the hardwork that Rita and the pupils put in. Also thank you very much to all of the parents who helped us. It was a very enjoyable and successful course.

Friday, November 18, 2011
School News
Our 3rd, 5th and 6th classes completed a swimming course and they all received certificates.
Also the boys u13 football team and the girls team are both in Eastern Finals to be held in Walsh Park soon. We wish good luck to both teams! The girls also won the local mini-7’s and are in the Eastern Final for that too.
Lately a drumming workshop was held in the school which went very well and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who supported our fund raising events throughout the year, it was thanks to proceeds from that fund raising which made the drumming workshop possible, so well done.

We look forward to the upcoming Red Kettle Theatre Production for our children

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
COW Day – Cylce on Wednesday

Pictures added to file

Sean Kelly came along to launch the school’s first COW (Cycle on Wednesday) day held in the school on the 16th March 2011. We had a great day and it was really enjoyed by everyone. A special thankyou to Sean Kelly, Garda Ronan Slevin who spoke to the kids about road safety, Barry Meehan of Worldwide Cycles in Clonmel, Robert Power who photographed the event, Flahavans for their support and all of the parents who helped out with the day.

Monday, January 10, 2011
Match results – First Term
Rathgormack N.S.
2010/11 Matches – First Term

Boys’ Football Tournament
Rathgormack V Glór na Mara – Won
Rathgormack V Portlaw – Lost
Rathgormack V Kilmacthomas – Lost

Girls’ Football Tournament
Rathgormack V Ballyduff – Won
Rathgormack V Ursuline – Lost

Boys’ Mini Sevens
Rathgormack V Newtown – Won
Rathgormack V Clonea – Won
Rathgormack V Holy Cross – Lost
Rathgormack V St. Stephens – Lost
Rathgormack V St. Declans – Lost

Girls Mini Sevens
Rathgormack V Newtown – Won
Rathgormack V Portlaw – Won
Rathgormack V Clonea – Lost

info provided by Tara Comerford