Heritage Keeper project 5th and 6th class

Click on link BoM Annual Report 2021-2022 or see image below for Board of Management’ s Annual Report.


A ceremony to mark the official opening of our new extension was held on Monday 27th June. Parents were invited in to have a look at the new build and also to see the renovations which were funded by the school community. Eoin Hunt of Clodagh Construction couldn’t attend on the day but was commended on the high standard of the work completed and thanked for his efforts in having the building ready and open for us in September 2020 despite the challenges of Covid. 

Huge congratulations to our Under 13 boys & Under 13 girls who both won their Eastern Cumann na mBunscoil Hurling & Camogie Finals on Wednesday 25th May in Walsh Park. Rath O gCormaic Abú!

Bike Day May 2022

We had a very successful Bike Day on 20th May 2022. Despite a few rain showers, all classes enjoyed cycling skills on the yard, and a cycle out of school grounds. Our infants cycled around the park across the road and 1st & 2nd class cycled a couple of laps around the small block in the village. 3rd to 6th class cycled a longer, quite hilly route down towards Feddans and back by Ross bridge. All classes also partook in litter picks around the school and village and 3rd to 6th class had bike maintenance workshops. Rathgormack GAA club had football coaches in on the day too, making sure all children had a very active day with a football training session added into the day’s activities. Huge thanks to the parent volunteers who gave their time on the day, particularly Johnny Brunnock, Tom Hayes & Barry Meehan-we couldn’t hold Bike Day without all of your help. The Village Deli provided sandwiches for our staff and parent volunteers and Comeragh Stores provided cookies for all children in the school. A great day enjoyed by all!

World Book Day 2022!

For World Book Day, the children presented clues as to what their favorite book is. We had great fun guessing! Well done all!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Thanks to the generosity of the families in Rathgormack National School, we have raised €1,788.50 for the Red Cross for the Ukranian Appeal. The pupils dressed up in blue & yellow and the whole school went for a walk in the glorious sunshine on Thursday 24th March. A huge well done to all in Rathgormack.

March 7th 2022

Well done to the fantastic 5th and 6th class students who are through to the semi-finals in debating.

They won their debate on Wednesday with flying colors and really were the worthy winners. We proposed the motion that “Billionaires should not go to space” and the students had fantastic speeches, spoke with excellent expression and had fiery rebuttals for the opposing team.

Well done to all, this debate even gave us inspiration for our Art lesson afterwards.

Pancake Tuesday – March 1st 2022

Ag déanamh agus ag ithe pancóga. 

The students really enjoyed making their pancakes from scratch, cooking them and of course eating them

March 15th 2022

5th and 6th Class made some lovely replicas of the Ardmore Tower and the De La Paor Tower, Skellig Michael, Crannógs and New Grange in art class. They also completed mini projects and presented these to the class group


February 21, 2022

Agri Aware Farm Safe Schools & February Skipping Challenge

February has been fantastic for fourth Class… A great start to Spring 2022.

We have been working on our Agri Aware Safe Farm Schools project.

A big thank you to Francis Quigley for giving us a tour of the farm at Kildalton via Zoom & for gifting us with these great pens.

As part of our February Skipping Challenge (2800 skips in February) each of the pupils received a ribbon bracelet for their dedication to fitness. Well done Fourth Class!

St. Valentine’s Day 2022

Fourth Class had great fun making these treats on St. Valentine’s Day 2022. We joined in on a zoom meeting with other schools in Waterford for the “‘LOVE IS IN THE AIR’ – Novelty Workshop with Katzer4Kidz.

St Brigid’s Day Celebrations February 4, 2022

We had great fun making crosses with rushes, drawing St. Brigid’s crosses & coloring in St. Brigid’s Day mindfulness coloring sheets.

We were very busy making St. Brigid’s crosses for our homes and school this week. The children also created a beautiful St. Brigid cloak using fabrics from their own homes!! The end product was really spectacular!!


3rd Class 

We’ve been exploring form and texture in art 3D cream made with shaving foam and pva and recycled art sculptures

January 26, 2022

4th class enjoying Fr. Fegan’s mass on Tuesday.

January 9, 2022

Sock Snowmen

2nd class had a lot of fun making these sock snowmen before Christmas. They did a great job!


December 21, 2021, 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th Classes made Christmas cookies and Christmas wreaths

Unsure what part they enjoy more- making them, decorating them or eating them.

5th and 6th class have been very busy making Indoor Christmas Wreaths! Super simple using a clothes hanger, newspaper and foliage!! Some even decided to brightner theirs up with LED lights, tinsel, baubles, ribbons etc!!

Do you wanna build a snowman?☃️

Parents Association Fun Day 🤾‍♀️

The Parents Association organised a Fun Day with Kenny Hassett! All children were delighted to get selection boxes and to wear their Christmas jumpers/clothes. A big thank to the Parents Association for organising this
event- the children just loved it!!

Congratulations to the girls on winning the U13B Camogie County Final

Sunday, December 19, 2021
Fabric + Fibre 🧶

Fourth Class made individual fabric mosaics of their first initial using cardboard, fabric & whole lot of patience.

Friday, December 17, 2021
Playground Shenanigans with 4th Class

Thursday, December 16, 2021
Christmas STEM activities 🎄

Candy cane marble maze and sugar cube igloos!!

Debate winners- 5th and 6th class

Congratulations to our debate team on winning their second debate!! They opposed the motion “We need to pay more for our clothes to fight fast fashion”. The whole class helped to research and prepare the points for the debate and they won with flying colours!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Hot Chocolate Treats 🍫

5th and 6th class were very surprised when a hot chocolate day came out of their classroom advent calender!! It was the perfect treat for a cold afternoon!

Music 🎼

We are very lucky to have had a music teacher coming in over the past few weeks. The children have been learning so much and they particularly enjoyed learning new songs, notes and how to play the ukelele .. 

Rain Gauges 🌧

Ms. Grant’s class have been very busy making rain gauges 💦

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Learning about the life of a Bee Keeper 🐝

Mrs. Quigley shares her experience of Bee Keeping with some of the classes in the school. They learned lots of information including the different types of honey made at different times of the year, the colour of the bees, looking at the bee keeper suit etc.

Thursday, December 2, 2021
4th Class – Hot Chocolate

Fourth Class enjoying a cup of hot chocolate & marshmallows before the Toy Show last Friday.
Food science & procedural writing can be both educational & tasty!

Science Week 2021

Our brave scientists dis-secting sheep hearts during Science Week 2021.

Monday, November 15, 2021
Some Experiments from Science Week 2021.

Bouncy Eggs

Making butter (No Salt

Bread & Surface Bacteria 

Invisible Ink

4th Class – Our Exploding Volcanoes

We had lots of fun creating our volcanoes. Colourful lava is the best! 

Saturday, November 13, 2021
Lyons Peace Club Winner

Congratulations Luke Bolger in 6th class who came 1st in the Lyons Peace Club Poster competition. The theme was “We are all Connected”. His poster is being forwarded to Dublin for the next part of the competition! Well done Luke!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Congratulations to our 5th and 6th class on winning their first ever debate via zoom. They proposed the motion ‘Tik Tok does more harm than good to young people’s confidence’ and won the debate!! We are all very proud of the group effort that went in!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Bike Day Tuesday 21st September 2021!

All classes practiced their cycling skills on the school yard & Junior & Senior Infants went for a cycle across the road around the park & astroturf pitch.

First & second classes went for a cycle around the block in the village. Some completed the loop a second time!

3rd to 6th classes really excelled by cycling up to Feddans Cross and completed a loop around by Ross bridge. Not an easy cycle-well done to all!

Huge thanks to our parent volunteers who stewarded the roads and special thanks to Johnny Brunnock and Tom Hayes who helped out in school for the full day.

Thanks too to Barry Meehan who checked out all bikes of pupils in 3rd to 6th classes. He talked to the children about how to look after their bikes as well as sorting out any minor issues with brakes, tyres, saddles, bike chains, pedals, etc.

We combined the day with local History talks from retired Principal Catherine Power and all classes took part in a litter pick around the local area.

Children also completed Arts & Crafts activities & STEM activities based on Bike Day and kept a log of their own cycling over the whole week.

What a great day- we all thoroughly enjoyed it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Apple Day in 5th & 6th Class

Friday, June 25, 2021
A Goodbye Message for 6th Class

All the staff of Rathgormack N.S. would like to wish our 6th class pupils the very best of luck as they move onto the next chapter of their lives in Secondary School.

Slán agus go n-éirí libh.

6th Class Fundraiser

Thanks to 6th Class for their recent fundraising events here in the school.

Ice Cream Day and the Car Wash raised a whopping €440.00.

6th Class have decided to donate €220.00 to the Solas Centre in Waterford and €220.00 to Crumlin Children’s Hospital in Dublin.

Well done 6th Class!!

Thursday, June 24, 2021
Sports Day

We had our Sports Day last Friday the 19th of June. It was a great success.

The weather was fabulous and everybody had a great day.

Thank you to the Parents Association who kindly donated towards the activities.

We would like to say a big thank you to DKAM Sports who taught gymnastic classes to each class group for the past couple of weeks.

The children really enjoyed all of the activities and had lots of fun!

A special thanks to the Parents Association who kindly donated towards these activities.

School Tours

All the boys and girls from Junior Infants to Fifth Class had a fantastic time on their school tour to the Comeragh Wilderness Camp this year.

Sixth Class also had a great day in Dunmore at the Wibit Aquapark and Adventure Centre.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Crazy Sock Day

Well done to all the boys and girls in Rathgormack N.S. who raised €338.30 for the Parents Association with their Crazy Sock Day on the 7th of May. 

No Mow May

This is our section of grass that we are leaving grow to encourage plants and insects, why not try it at home?!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Junior and Senior Infants have been very busy in Aistear lately.
They read the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and planted their own beanstalks.
We definitely have some green fingers in Rathgormack!!